Monday, April 8, 2013

Officially Dating and Conference Weekend

Friday night, Andrew came over to watch a movie. It was just him and me. We watched "Dan in Real Life" which is a really good movie just so everyone knows. The movie ended just after midnight. We didn't budge. His arm was around me, I was leaning on him, and we were holding hands. Both of us were so content. We sat and talked until about 1:30 in the morning. We are officially dating. I have a boyfriend. It is still so weird to say. Saturday I got up just in time for conference. I was so tired. I really liked all of the talks. Sister Dalton spoke, and my day was made. Sister Dalton was released, and I cried. It's okay. The church is still true. Some things I learned: any virtue can turn to a vice when used too much, if you're on the right path it will always be uphill, prayer should be as natural as breathing and eating, what e'er thou art act well thy part, we have unlimited divine potential, little things lead to big things, there are some things that should be left to the Lord, and there are lessons we must learn and experiences we must have.I loved conference. Saturday night when Andrew got back from his mission reunion, we went for a walk and then it was time for him to meet some of the old roommates. He passed the test for the ones he met. Sunday I went over to his place to watch conference. We even did homework in between sessions. Now, let me say that I was really good about taking notes from conference. Each session has a page in my little quote book. Each session... until Sunday afternoon. Not only was I exhausted, but it was freezing so I had a blanket wrapped around me. Then, Andrew put his arm around me and all motivation to write something from each talk flew out the open window. I still listened, and I loved all of the talks though. President Monson makes me laugh. I love that he can be the president of a worldwide church and still tell stories, roll his eyes, and make everyone in the congregation laugh... and a couple of the apostles fist bumped... and the new general young women's presidency looks like the fairies from sleeping beauty. Way to keep it classy! Life is wonderful. The Church is true. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay Megan. I need details on this Andrew boy you keep talking about. I just found your blog so I'm behind in everything but I've been reading old posts and trying to find when you first start talking about him. I must have missed it.

    So how did you meet? Where is he from? How old is he? Where did he serve his mission? Send me an email and update me on all of the fun stuff! Don't make me call your mom to get the dirt!

    P.S. Your homesick post made me kind of sad that you're all grown up. I still kind of think of you as that four year old Stephanie and I took to DZ when I came home from BYU one summer. And how you would cheat at Candy Land and get so mad if you didn't win. And how you would say you were Cameron Diaz from Charlie's Angels.

    It also made me remember how much you loved cereal when you were little. I can still picture your furrowed brow as you thought about what you wanted to eat for dinner and how your face brightened and you said in a very excited voice, "I know! We can have cereal!" And then you wanted Grape Nuts with no sugar.


A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...