Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wolves and Sheep


I found this picture a while ago, and it really struck me. I think it is so striking because when you read about a wolf in sheep's clothing you think you would be able to quickly tell that it is a wolf. I mean, it's so obvious! But, in this picture, although you can still tell it is a wolf it blends in. Reading my scriptures today, I was in 3 Nephi chapter 14 where it tells us to beware of false prophets who are wolves in sheep's clothing. It then goes on to talk about "by their fruits ye shall know them" and how some people will go up to Christ at the second coming saying they had done all of these things in His name, but He will turn to them and say He never knew them. It ends the chapter with the parable of the wise man and the foolish man. So many lessons in such a short block of scriptures, and yet, for the first time in my life, I feel like they all connect. 

Elder Joseph B Wirthlin once said, ,"Some people are weak in their faith and testimonies but are not even aware of how precarious their situation is. Many of them likely would be offended at the suggestion. They raise their right hand to sustain Church leaders and then murmur and complain when a decision that does not square with their way of thinking. They claim to be obedient to God's commandments but do not feel at all uncomfortable about purchasing food at the store on Sunday and then asking the Lord to bless it..." 

Are these people with weak faith and testimonies (like the man who built his house upon the sand) not wolves in sheep's clothing? Are they not going through the motions of fitting in but not inwardly accepting their Savior and His teachings? By their actions we know they are not sheep. But... they kind of look like sheep. 

When you order a coffee or go shopping on Sunday, is that not a wolf in sheep's clothing? People are watching us. I can't tell you how many times coworkers have asked me about my religion, how many time kids I babysat asked me some gospel questions, and how many times people I went to school with commented on my standards. I guess it is up to Heavenly Father to judge, but I think this week's Come Follow Me lesson is a good reminder to take a good look at ourselves. As we approach General Conference may we each take the time to ponder how to become more like His SHEEP (building our testimonies, strengthening our faith, aligning our actions to His teachings, etc.) rather than simply wolves in sheep's clothing because I don't know about you, but I would much rather Him open His arms to welcome me to my heavenly home than Him look at me and respond, "I never knew you."

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Always be Astonished

 In 3 Nephi, it talks about the people in the Americas (the Nephites and Lamanites) and how they responded to all of the signs and wonders that occurred before the birth of Christ. All of these things had been prophesied, and a loyal few continued to look forward to the day that all of these things would come to pass. When they finally did, many converted to the church of Christ. But, over the course of just a few years, they lost that faith and no were no longer astonished by all that was happening around them (see 3 Nephi 2: 1-2). There were still signs and wonders happening, but because they happened so often it was no longer special or faith-producing for them. 

I truly think that happens in our day. This past Sunday we had virtual Relief Society, and the teacher mentioned that she did not have spiritual experiences in her life. She told of one big one that happened many years ago when she decided to join the church, but she made the other comment as well. The lesson moved on quickly, but that one, small comment stuck with me. "I don't have spiritual experiences in my life." I do not know the details of her life, but I do believe we all have spiritual experiences in our lives. They may not be big. They may not be a day, a night, and a day being as if they were one day; it may not be a special star appearing in the sky, but I know they happen for each and every one of us. It can be connecting with Him through nature, music, or art. It could be a small, simple answered prayer. It can be someone smiling at you on a day you really needed it. I, like many others, have prayers that go unanswered, but that does not mean they will never be answered. It does not mean they are not heard. It simply means now is not the time. 

I hope now more than ever we can all look for the spiritual experiences in our lives and hold tight to them because the moment we stop being astonished by those big and small experiences is the moment we begin to lose our faith and begin to forget past spiritual experiences we have had. That is when the devil grabs hold and makes us question what we have come to know. Does Heavenly Father hear my prayers? Does He even know me? Does He even care? I will answer with a resounding OF COURSE HE DOES!!! Please, always be astonished by His eternal grace, His eternal love, and His eternal desire to bless His righteous people. 

A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...