In reading the D&C over the past several weeks I came across a phrase that’s repeated a few times throughout various sections. It often comes when there are problems. In the early days of the church, people were so eager to believe and be a part of the new church that many had “false revelations” which led others away or led them to worship in incorrect ways. There was much to learn. There still is.
Do we ever come across those times in life where we feel like we have been given a bit of knowledge and then left without all of it? How do we find the rest that we are yearning for?
Do we ever feel alone in a trial wondering what the best answer is?
Do we cry for those who have been led astray by others and wonder what more we could have done or can now do to help them?
Do we worry about ourselves or others on the path to salvation?
I am sure the answer is (or has at one point been) a resounding yes! Although the fullness of the gospel has been on the earth for many years now, we are still learning. None of us is perfect. We are imperfect people all trying our best. Some put a little and some put a lot into their efforts, but we are doing the best we can at any given point just like the early Saints. I am thankful that we have more knowledge and guidance than they had as I am sure that was a trial all on it’s own, but I think a certain phrase that is repeated many times can mean just as much to us as it did to them. That phrase is “a prayer of faith.”
A prayer of faith. Four words. An answer to so many questions.
When we feel like we have nothing more to give what should we do? Offer a prayer of faith and try to do more for those in His kingdom.
On our darkest days when we may feel like all hope is gone? A prayer of faith and continue on as we work to draw closer to Him.
On days when we aren’t even sure what we believe or if our faith is strong enough? A prayer of faith to the One we believe in.
On days when sadness or grief try to overtake us? A prayer of faith to the One who can succor us.
On days when physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental ailments seem too much to bear? A prayer of faith to the One who suffered for all of our infirmities.
On days when we don’t feel worthy or just feel too worn down to read our scriptures, go to church, or offer a prayer? A prayer of faith. Even if it’s a silent one where we sit still for a moment of our crazy day because He is waiting for us.
On days when we just want answers to our prayers and the yearnings of our hearts? A prayer of faith because He knows all.
I don’t have all the answers. I can’t even pretend to, but I do know that He is waiting for each one of us to offer our own prayers of faith. He wants to listen. He wants to give us peace when we so desperately need it. He wants to be there for us. Most importantly, he wants to answer our prayers and bless us. We just have to get down on our knees and offer a prayer of faith. That is what he asks of us.