Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Glorification of Busy

Today in church we talked about the glorification of busy. They asked if being busy was a good or bad thing. Well, I am always busy, and I love it. I can tell you first hand that it is not a good thing to be always busy. You often get caught up in the moment and lose that eternal perspective that you need so desperately to be happy. You miss out on time with friends and family, you miss promptings you could have received, and you miss out on so many memories and so much happiness. In our devotional last week, the speaker said that one of the darkest times in his life was when he went to New Guinea for eight months leaving his friends and family behind. He was busy, but he was not fulfilled. Our friends and family define who we are just as much as our actions. Yes, I am always busy, but I have been making the effort this semester to have time for other things and people. I want my friends to know no class or office hours are more important than them. I want to be there. I have been spending more time with friends than ever, reaching out to the girls in the office that never wanted to come in before because they did not know anyone. I am trying to stop the glorification of busy. I can still be busy, but I can be busy with more worthwhile activities.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Like an Honor Code Thing... Must Not Cancel School

I did not need to go outside to find out it is extremely icy outside. Here are some comments from Facebook:

So when are the Guinness World Record people showing up? Cause BYU students definitely set the record for most people slipping/falling/skating at one time.

The email I just got:

So this means no school probably, right?

·              No  although there is no way I'm going back out onto campus. I'd rather skip a class than DIE.
·              Endure to the end 
I didn't get the memo that we needed to ice skate to get to class this morning.

Freezing rain makes for an adventure when walking to campus. Walk 2 steps up, slide 5 steps down. The End.

Funniest morning of my college career by far. I witnessed 5 people fall, 6, including myself. #iceskatetoschool #mandown #utah #winter

Dear Ice,

so i have come to realize we have a horrible relationship and that may never change. I do hope we can remain civil and you might stop knocking me on the ground; it really hurts!


a poor Californian

I am thankful that I do not have class today. I would biff it. 

When You Believe

I am sorry. I have not been myself lately. I have been sad, grumpy, and I have wanted to be alone and just eat chocolate and potatoes. The weather is not helping, but I have let myself be that way. There has been so much going on. I have not been the happy girl I usually am.
I have been selfish. I have been thinking about me. After one of the interviews we held to replace Angela, my coordinator asked me what I was doing next year. Eric answered and told her I was waiting to see who got the spot for President and Executive Vice President. That may have been true a month ago, but now I am trying to get past the fear. She said that I should decide to do it because I love the organization not necessarily because I love the people. She is right, so I have chosen to go forward with it and see what happens. Since I have made that choice, I want to talk to my coordinator, but I have started the application. We got someone to replace Angela that is going to be great. Having a boy in her position isn't quite the same, but it works. I like him being there. I am not all that hungry, but I put forth the effort to actually make good dinners now. I have been having nightmares. Some nights are full of them, but I only had two last night. I will eventually get used to this new roommate. I missed an interview in one of my classes, but  my teacher was sick so she ended up not being there either so we rescheduled it. I went to the ward activity which was a lot of fun. I needed a little social interaction. My teacher used one of my papers as an example in class which is always a good sign. Also, one of my best friends is about to get married. He was the one I was always with. We did everything together from office stuff to making key lime pie to Seven Peaks to shopping for drinking glasses to going to our coordinator's granddaughter's third birthday party. Everyone always thought we were married because we were always together. Now he is engaged. If you have seen "My Best Friend's Wedding" that is kind of how I feel. I am pretty sure I could write an even better sequel based on my life. I am going to miss him, but this is the best thing for everyone.
Things are getting better. It is still a frigid wilderness outside, but it has to warm up at some point. Eric is usually not in the office so I am running our area giving me an even better chance of getting that position next year, I am doing better in all of my classes, and my mom gave me the hug I needed so desperately. I just have to keep trying. I love this song. It just goes along with everything right now. Also, I liked Samantha Barks before it was cool. Hipster. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

BYU in a Nutshell

The environment I live in now is very different from any other I have ever been in. In one of my classes, my professor stated, "Well guys, it is the warmest day of the year!" Oh gee thanks. It is like not even twenty degrees outside. Today that same professor said it must be getting warmer because it was actually snowing. Um what?!? It is nine degrees outside, and where I am from it means it is colder when it is snowing. Toto, we are not in Texas anymore. (Yes, I did name my stuffed Boston Terrier Toto just so I could say that) So, it is cold. Some icicles are five feet long, snow comes up to mid shin and it is still coming, and your nose hairs freeze together when you take a step outside. Do you know those cartoons with icicles coming out of their noses? Yeah, it is real.
It is a very fun environment though. First, sledding is so much fun! Making snow angels is a close second in entertainment. Having snowball fights (even though it is against the law here) is also fun. I feel like that is like a Footloose thing. Whatever happened that made them pass that law was probably a freak accident. It is unnatural to not be able to throw a snowball when you are around all of your friends.
The snow is fun and beautiful, summers are better,  and Mormon humor is the best. I found the Facebook page "Overheard at BYU" today. I have gotten nothing done. Here are a few of my favorite examples:

  1. 1 day of coal; 364 days of fun... I'll take my chances.
  2. I am dragging a poor, dead body behind me: the corpse of what used to be my GPA. 
  3. He said he'd bet my temple recommend that I would get an A in the class!
  4. *Person behind me starts choking on their lunch in the Wilk* Once they coughed it up: Well played, taco. Well played. 
  5. Boy eating breakfast flicked himself in the eye with a spoon: Ouch! I think I just spooned myself!
  6. I live in the part of Provo that's so sketch, the missionaries tract there. 
  7. JDawgs has grown on me. I think they put a small amount of crack in them so people want more. 
  8. Sitting in Bio taking the last weekly test when a knock comes at the door. The professor goes to answer it and pokes her head out the door for a few seconds. She comes back and asks, "(Name), did you order a pizza?" to which a kid got up and ran out to grab his pizza. 
  9. Some friends run into each other at the Wilk and start screaming. Some kid looks up and asks if someone just proposed. 
  10. Discussing how some people leave the church for silly reasons, professor says if he were to leave it would be because he had a ward full of ugly people. "See ya later!"
  11. Now, some people would call that stalking... I call it flirting.
BYU in a nutshell. You just have to love it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Lately I have not been feeling up to par. I do not feel sick, but I felt like I lost some of the sparkle I once had in my life. So, as some of you know, Sister Dalton is my idol. I absolutely love her. Well, she came to speak at devotional today. Best day ever. She is so beautiful with sparkling eyes and a countenance that truly reflects the light of Christ.
I love all of that about her, but hearing a story she told made me laugh so hard! She basically stalked (what she called flirting) her husband at BYU. She saw him and went to the Administration building and asked for his schedule. She then happened to be where his classes were every once in a while. And he thought he saw her first… Apparently her husband runs on the treadmill each day while memorizing something. It was so funny as she ran in place reciting part of the Young Women theme. She also said she loved some of the memes we made regarding the change in missionary age.
Not only is so fun and personable, but she has the spirit. She talked about a man who ran a race in the Olympics that he had not trained for because the tryouts for his race were held on Sunday, and he would not take part in them. With faith, he won his race receiving the gold medal as well as setting a new world record. She said we must do more than just sit and watch the race. We must take part in it, believe, and have faith. The power comes from within.
She also said, "Your youth is your advantage. Don’t let Satan convince you that you are too young. When he does that, he has won. Do all in your power to have the Holy Ghost with you. Do not neglect the gift that is in thee. You can do hard things. Through the atonement you are strengthened so you can accomplish you divine mission." I have officially decided I am going to submit my application to be an area vice president in BYUSA next year. If it is meant to be, I will get it. I am not going to let my age keep me from achieving something I want this badly. 
She said to not cast away your confidence. Do not get distracted, discouraged, or disqualified. Confidence comes from two Latin words: con meaning with and fidego meaning faith. You can only be confident with faith. I loved that. 
She told Young Women that we provide an example of virtuous womanhood and motherhood and to continue to be virtuous, lovely, good report, and praiseworthy. We will provide example of family life at time when families are under attack. We need to understand our role and divine responsibilities. Our virtue and light will attract the gaze of the entire world. One virtuous young woman or young man led by the spirit can change the world, never to be forgotten. She said that as you run your race, never forget your Heavenly Father is by your side. 
With a huge smile, a wave, and blown kiss, she left, but her spirit was still there. I can only in my greatest dreams aspire to be her, but she is a wonderful example to me. I even based my new goals for this year from her book "Shine!" My sparkle is back, and I will not lose it this time. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Addiction

So... I am obsessed with Les Mis. Listening to the soundtrack is one of the most satisfying activities out there, even if I am singing along with them by myself. Sometimes I lay awake at night with all of the songs running through my head. I do not know if it is the music that I love, the wonderful quotes such as: "had you seen her today you might know how it feels to be struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight," or the fact that Marius looks like the guy I kind of have a crush on. I know it is called the miserables, but it is one of the sweetest love stories out there. Addicted I tell you.

I also had a lesson on what it means to thrive. One of the people in my class said it meant loving something so much that you are willing to put up with all of the crap that comes along with it. I realized that is my life right now. I thrive here in Utah. I love it here so much that I am willing to put up with the negative degree weather and feet of snow. I am learning to love it. It truly glitters in the sunlight. It is delightful. I also thrive in BYUSA. I love being a part of it so I put up with a couple of people I cannot stand, and I consistently put myself out of my comfort zone. It is all worth it. Every once in a while I come across a day when I feel like: 
I can make it if I keep in mind why I love BYU and BYUSA so much. I will keep on thriving and having Les Mis songs stuck in my head. There isn't much better. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our Secret Giraffe Handshake

 I have had so much fun today. I had my BYUSA luncheon. Driving my minivan with all my chillens in the back and what makes you beautiful blaring on the radio just made my day. We got into the Utah Valley Convention Center and were greeted by a screen that said, "Welcome BYUSA." I felt so important. We then proceeded to have a delicious three course meal. The first course was a salad. It was a fancy salad with dandelion leaves in it. I cannot stand that bitter taste so I doused my salad in ranch and even then I could only choke down half of it. We then had asiago crusted chicken with some kind of cream sauce, potato wedges, green beans with bacon and sautéed onions, and rolls. It was wonderful. We did our evaluation of last semester, and thought of ways we could do even better this semester. We took pictures of our area, and headed home. There were a few inside jokes we started which had tears rolling down my cheeks because they were s funny, and I got to be like miss congeniality and make music with my water glass. Going back home I had no one in the front seat with me so one of my chillens asked if I felt like their mom. I always feel like their mom always watching out for them. We are cute. Also, last year the theme was Disney prince and princesses. This year we finally have a theme. Eric and I started it and it spread over the area today. It is giraffes. Only the best day would include laughing until I cry, BYUSA, giraffes, good food, jokes, and of course minivans.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Smile. It Looks Good On You.

I was on my feet for ten hours today. Needless to say, when I finally got home, I sat down, and I refuse to get back up. I did have a ton of fun and accomplishments today. I drove a minivan, I picked up my textbooks, I did some of my reading, I feel rejuvenated by the cold, I did interviews for the open position in BYUSA, I helped pick the person by voicing concerns and what I liked about each individual (with me talking both Eric and I picked someone we were not even considering at first), I was one of the few volunteers at an event tonight so I saved the night, I got to sit and talk to a few cute guys, my dinner was peanut butter on a spoon, and I watched one of the cheesiest but cutest movies I have even seen before. I watched Beauty and the Briefcase. Hillary Duff in her glamour and contagious smile in a cheesy movie with a twist you saw coming the entire movie and a lesson at the end that I needed to hear made my day complete. I may not be getting along with my roommate as well as I would hope, I may not have the right guy by my side, and I may have made a fool of myself tonight when I did a blowup obstacle course, but none of that matters. What matters right now is that I have amazing friends, a wonderful family, and I just get to sit and watch movies right now. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Day in the Life...

I day in the life of an eighteen year old junior is so much fun. I have no classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This Tuesday was my last opportunity to see my friend Amanda Webb from back home considering she is leaving for home to prepare for her mission tomorrow. She said she wanted Mexican food, but instead of saying Costa Vida like she wanted she said Tucanos so off we went. Neither of us had been there before. It was so good and completely worth it. We got an extremely cute waiter. The table next to us was full of guys and when we got up one told me I had a beautiful smile. I am pretty sure this was one of the few days I can say I felt like a teenager. We giggled more than anything. After getting lost in our waiter's blue eyes, we did not hear anything he said so we had no idea what to do. We got the hang of it eventually. We ate so much food. At one point another quite attractive waiter told us to stop flirting with our waiter. Were we flirting? Absolutely. I never get to see Amanda, and spending time with her I realized how sad that was. Giving our numbers to the two waiters just made us laugh harder and smile wider. I am going to miss that girl. Acting like a teenager is all too much fun. I would say I need to do it more often, but we all know I am far too serious for that. I need to let loose a little more often.  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Starting the New Year Off Right

This blog is no longer a class assignment so I will work on keeping it updated as best I can. Here it goes... It can be hard to go home. As I try to settle into my new life I lived for so long, I realize how different I really am. People expect me to be the same person that left for college almost two years ago. I am not that girl. Looking at old pictures, I do not know what to think. I miss who I once was, and but I love who I am becoming. I used to love to draw, but I have not picked up a colored pencil in forever. The one piece of art I have here with me is something I casually look over when I walk into the office each day. I used to wear hats... My trunk full of them now stays in the back corner of my closet, unopened. I used to never try new things, but now I do that more than eat what I know. Things such as Greek yogurt, avocado  mango, kiwi, spinach, pomegranates, and Hello Dolly cookies are some of things I have been missing out on. I used to dream of being a good influence and inspiration for others. For some people I have already been, but for others I have failed. The kids I used to babysit still remember me and talk about me. A girl from school I have not talked to in two years came and gave me a huge hug in the grocery store. I obviously did something right. I used to hate talking on the phone, I used to feel so radiant like I was almost glowing, I used to read, I used to be teacher's pet, I used to have a wonderful relationship with my roommates (now I see former roommates occasionally at best and have a "hello and goodbye" relationship with my new ones), last year one of my teachers had me pinky promise that I would come back to school because he was worried about me, and most importantly I used to be so open to the idea of getting married. Before I came to school for my first semester, everyone told me to not get married. I told them not to worry about it, but it the back of my mind, I hoped. I am still open to the idea, but I am guarded in extreme measures. My dad calls me the ice princess because my heart is made of ice, and it is going to take someone very special to come along and melt it. In some ways I wish I had stayed the same, but in others I am so glad I have changed. I am far from who I once was but not yet who I am going to be. I have a few new years resolutions that I read from a book I got for Christmas. 1.I am going to read my scriptures for five minutes a day. 2.I am going to try to go to the temple once a month. 3.Really think about what I am praying about. I think those are three good things I can work on this year. Being at home was a lot of fun though. One day my mom and I sat watching the first season of "Once Upon a Time." We did that all day dozing in and out of sleep. One night I got to spend with my friend Rachel Noel. I we talked, ate, drank homemade hot chocolate, and watched a movie. We even had a fire going. One day I got to spend with my friend Courtney May. She is so cute and happy. We went to go see the movie "Parental Guidance." I was super cute and family friendly. We then went out to eat and talked about weird Utah things. I got to spend a day with my cousin Becca, my grandma, and my mom. We went to eat at Ihop. I ordered the cheese blintzes, and when they came my grandma said she bet I could not eat it all. Silly Grandma. I ate it all as well as the side of hash browns I ordered with them. We then did a little shopping, dropped my cousin off, and we then went to see "Parental Guidance" again (which I was totally okay with because it really was a cute movie). We had a family day in which we went to see "Jack Reacher." It was not my favorite. It was good, but I would like it much better watching it at home when I can have a few distractions to also entertain me. The next to last day I was home my mom and I went to see "Les Mis." It was so good. I loved it. Every minute of it. I got to spend one last day with my best friend Ashely Hickman whom I have known forever. Once again I will say I am so thankful we have stayed friends. One of my good friends from school, Eric, got engaged over the break. He has proven to me that you can make time to be with those you love. I always use the excuse that I am too busy to date, but someone told me this quote: "You will never have time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." I am going to be better with my time. I am going to work on spiritual aspects of my life, but I would also like to work on relationships I have with people. I am really going to be better. The day I left for Utah, I went to my old ward with my little brother. I loved seeing people I grew up with and having that feeling that we were a ward family even with the few people that were there. Later that day as we got closer to the airport, my breathing and heart rate got faster, and tears were harder to suppress. Waving goodbye to my mom I turned away to hide the tears that were coming for the upteenth time that day. I am so glad I went home. It took me going home to realize I need to take time to do some of the things I love, to be with people I love, and to remember what is important to me. Welcome to the new year. I think I am starting the year off well. Time with family and old friends, back to good ol' Provo, going to FHE, making snow angels and my phone falling out of my pocket (I went out two hours later to find it), and eating warm brownies with my roommates. 

A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...