All week I have been telling myself to slow down and stop looking forward to things that are so far ahead. "It's only July" keeps running on loop in my head as I sit on my balcony and enjoy the cool breeze looking forward to fall, to pumpkins, to more hot chocolate (because let's be honest, the heat has never stopped me from drinking hot cocoa), to cooler nights, to sleeping with windows open, to General Conference, to being able to bundle in a blanket without being so hot.
Then, I look at my planner and realize we are in August. We are nearing the end of AUGUST. All of those things are within reach.
Schools are starting. This time of year always makes me reminisce about my school days. This year, I have particularly been thinking about my time at BYU. On the hour, the belltower rings with the tune of "Come, Come Ye Saints." At first, I enjoyed the music but paid no mind to it as I rushed off to my next class, but as time went on I took the meaning to heart. Maybe I am recalling this specific memory now because it is something I need to remember.
"Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear; but with JOY wend your way"- I have never been afraid of hard work. I will go and work in the yard or on a project without thinking twice, but sometimes the toil and the labor come from something other than the physical work we expect. When that toil is mental or spiritual, it seems to be harder. I truly think this kind of labor is what the song is talking about. Yes, the pioneers walked hundreds (thousands) of miles with little food, but don't you think it was the strength in their beliefs that kept them going? How many times did they wonder if it was true? If it was all worth it?
"Though hard to you this journey may appear"- When you're in the middle of a trial (like right now) it seems to consume your life. I truly believe it is looking for the bits of sunshine peeking through or even just knowing the sun is still behind those dark clouds that keeps us going.
"Grace shall be as your day"- Through the grace of Christ and the power of the Atonement no matter how bad your day may seem we are never alone. He is with us always. Grace shall be as our day as long as we can make it through. Take things a day at a time.
"Tis better far for us to strive our useless cares from us to drive"- If our trials teach us anything, they show us what is truly important. Working from home has given me more time to read, to craft, to spend time with family, and to spend more time with my dogs. Are our time and talents not our most important resources if we use them wisely?
"Do this, and joy your hearts will swell--All is well, ALL IS WELL."
Walking to class or a test or just walking home after a long day, this was sometimes my greatest comfort. All is well. Even if I just failed that test or did not understand a word the professor said all lecture. Today it holds true. All is well. We have a living prophet. We have the Book of Mormon. We have the priesthood in our home. We can still partake of the sacrament. We can still feel of His love. We can still be worthy of all of His promised blessings as long as we try. As long as we do not let our standards fall. As long as we endure.
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