Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Hear Him

 A question posed by our church leaders recently is "How do you hear Him?" 

I can say I hear him in many different ways: a sparkle in someone's eye, a twinkling star, a beautiful day, sunshine, a smile, beauty all around in the big things and small... But, one way I also hear Him is through the scriptures. Now, all growing up I heard people talk about how they would pray and then they would open up their scriptures to a random page, start reading, and their answer would be right there! I never had that happen to me. I would always end up at some weird scripture in Songs of Solomon or the Index or something. But, as I read our readings from Come Follow Me and stay on schedule I find more and more answers that I need in my life at that time. 

I recently had to do a hard and yet easy thing. I turned down the job that I was wanting so badly. The one that I have been looking forward to and planning on for months. The only thing that made it easy is because I know what I believe, I know what I stand for, and I made the decision long ago that I would not let anyone or anything tell me otherwise. 

So, I have been left wondering "What now?" and praying to Heavenly Father asking Him what he would have me do. 

I got to give a talk in church on Sunday (see previous post if you're interested) on the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript. As I read and studied the topic I realized I had been like Martin and Joseph, pressing the Lord for a different answer when I had really already been given one that I just didn't like. Luckily, before I went too far, I realized my mistake. That is when I withdrew from the application process. As I continued to read about the topic in this week's Come Follow Me readings, Oliver and Joseph were really asking Heavenly Father the same question I was. What now? 

Four phrases/scriptures stuck out to me: 

10:3- "...see that you are faithful and continue on..."

10:4- " diligent to the end."

10:5- "Pray always that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work."

10:37- "...hold your peace until I shall see fit to make all things known...concerning the matter."

I once saw a quote that said to believe in what you pray for. As hard as it is, as much as I want not only a plan but a detailed outline to that plan shown to me, I know this was my answer. It is the answer to all of us who don't get the answer we want to an earnest prayer. Keep being faithful. Keep being diligent. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Hold on to the peace He has given you, and don't let the adversary make you forget that peace. Blessings and more answers and the next step will come. 

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