Friday, August 8, 2014

When Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Dumbledore
I'm not saying these are dark times. In fact, although I am a little worried about what I am going to do with my life after I graduate, I have been having so much fun the last few weeks. So, even when things are going well it is always fun to look at the light and smile.
First,last Friday my friends threw me a surprise party. I wasn't in the best mood that day and told Janessa I did not want to go to the "movie night" we were having. She grounded me, and I went anyway. When we got there and they all jumped out I simply thought they were trying to scare Jan. I didn't even think that it was her house and she knew they were there. So, I kept walking. I didn't realize what was happening until I saw the balloons that spelled Megan and realized Meghan was there. She lied to me! Jan lied to me too! Haha I love them. They even had Cafe Rio catered. Yum. So, after eating all the Cafe Rio and homemade Oreos, or homeos as we called them, our hearts desired we went outside to watch a movie with the projector. After Disturbia and The Proposal we all came back. What a fun night! 
Sunday I went over to Julie Anne's, and we had a movie night as well. We watched Grease. It's a classic and hard to beat. When it was over, Julie Anne grabbed my ankle and wouldn't let me go for the longest time. I am going to miss her and all of her shenanigans.
This Monday Jan and I decided we wanted to go on a bike ride after FHE. Right when we got the bikes unlocked it started pouring. We went anyways. Why not? We weren't really afraid because we couldn't see or even that the cars probably couldn't see us. We were afraid of the lightening. We went around the block and just laughed. We were soaked afterwards, but it was worth it. 
Tuesday Meghan and I went to Seven Peaks. It never gets old. It really doesn't. 
Wednesday I finished my internship, and then I went out to dinner with Dani and Tyler. We went to Guru's which is always a winner, and oh my yum. So many sweet potato fries. So much flavor in my cilantro lime quesadillas. I enjoyed getting to talk and laugh with Dani and Ty like old times. I love them both, and I am going to miss them. 
Thursday I finished my last assignment. Thirty-one pages I fought to finish. Now I have my final and I have to grade someone else's project on Monday. Then I am free!!Meghan and I went to the temple last night. We haven't been in a while, and there was so much peace in my heart. I finished the Book of Mormon while inside (it was a goal of mine to finish it before I graduated when I started it in January). When I came out I checked my phone. I had been looking at puppies at work earlier that day, and I found a couple I was interested in. I had sent one to my dad to look at, and my mom and dad said yes to her. I did not sleep last night. 
Today my dad put a deposit down on the puppy. I am a proud owner of a little girl Boston Terrier whom I have named Vivien Leigh Fairchild. She is the little runt, but all three pounds of her have stolen my heart. I can hardly wait to meet her in person when I get back! Today I also finished work. I am no longer an employee of BYU. My boss brought four different flavors of sweet rolls today (cinnamon, orange, raspberry, and blueberry) and the two people we are training brought me ice cream bars and red velvet cupcakes for a graduation/going away party. I feel that today was pretty successful, and tonight we are having another outdoor movie night in which we will be watching Divergent and possibly When a Stranger Calls. I think my favorite thing is that part of my family will be here tomorrow, and the other part will be here Monday! Then, I graduate and move on to the next adventure. Every little thing really is going to be alright. 

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