In Ether, we read the story of the brother of Jared. We know the story. He takes his friends and family away after the language of his people is confounded. He prays multiple times to the Lord and is instructed to build ships for his people to sail to the promised land in. Interestingly enough, the Lord teaches him how to build ships that are tight like unto a dish.
This go round of reading the scriptures I have tried to take the stories I have read countless times and have known since I was little and look at them in a different way. How can I gain more from these stories I know so well? This time, I asked myself a question and wrote it down in the margin of my scriptures in Ether 6. The question I posed was "How can I make sure my testimony is tight like unto a dish so when the storms come I can still be led by the light of Christ to the promised land?" I found 6 answers in the following scriptures, but I am sure there are many, many more!
1. We know there will be trials. Storms will rage and waves will beat upon us, but when we feel completely encompassed about by water, cry unto the Lord and trust in Him to bring you back to the top of the waters. (v. 7)
2. Always sing praises to the Lord. Never forget all of your past blessings. Sing praises to Him who has given you everything. (v. 9)
3. No matter what is happening in your life, have light continually. Whether you feel blinded by the light in your life or feel like you really have to search to see the smallest little glimmer, always have the light of Christ in your life. I suggest really taking the time to read your scriptures, pray, read past journal entries (I put stars on the corners of pages of entries with spiritual experiences included), spend time with people you love and admire, and give thanks for all of the good in your life (v. 10)
4. When you get to the promised land, and you will get there, remain humble through the joy and thank Heavenly Father for his tender mercies. From the sound of the account in Ether, this was no easy voyage. They were tossed in the sea. They were bumped about in a tight boat with others, and sometimes when they opened the hole on the top for air, water came through. That sounds awful! But, when they got to the promised land, they did not forget to thank Heavenly Father for getting them there safely. They bowed down right on the shore and thanked Him for getting them there safely. (v. 12)
5. Lastly, when you get wherever you are going whether it really is the promised land or just the other side of the trial you were just facing, get to work! There is always work to be done to build His kingdom. (v. 13)
6. Share what you have learned! Teach your kids, talk with friends, even just put it in your journal to be read by someone later. Share it so others may learn from your experiences. (v. 17)
I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to learn from the scriptures. It always amazes me how I can gain new insights and build on my knowledge every single time I read them. I am thankful how stories feel so real to me this time around. I am thankful for teachers who taught me how to look at things in different ways. Most of all, I am thankful for an inspired prophet who started the Come Follow Me program for a home-centered, church-supported form of scripture study.
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