Sunday, May 3, 2015

I'm Back!!!

In all honesty I have not been meaning to neglect this blog. I completely forgot about it for a while. Sorry about that. Let me update you. 

Easter came and went in a flash. It was a good Easter though. I loved being able to hear the words of the Prophet and the other leaders of the church about Christ on Easter Sunday. It was perfect. We had bluebonnet pictures taken. I had to wear my new Cinderella outfit. I know I am an adult, but what fun is being an adult if you stop believing in having a little magic in your life. Also, I am still waiting for my happily ever after, so I see nothing wrong with my choice of outfit. We took Vivien since it is her first time seeing bluebonnets. She would not stop eating them. We got one kind of good picture though. 
 Ry Guy got his Eagle Scout!! A ton of planning and preparation went into the Court of Honor for it, but mom and I pulled it off. Two sheetcakes (made by me), water with strawberries on top and blueberries underneath so it was red, white, and blue, and an awesome ceremony complete with a picture slideshow that I put together for him. He did it! Congrats, wittle brudder! 
 I am 21! Not that it really makes any difference, but it is exciting. I am hoping to get endowed at the beginning of June in the San Antonio temple. When I turned 21 it really sunk in that I am only 21 and I feel like I have accomplished a lot. I mean, I am graduated. I am working on my application to grad school, I have a real job that I love, and I have a plan. Now, my plans have never really worked out before, but it is worth a shot. I decided on ASU for grad school. I want to get my Master's in Family and Human Development and get certified as a Child Life Specialist. Woot woot. 
 I have had a ton of fun lately. Mom and I got to go to Sixflags. I rode on rides I never would before. I mean, some of those are terrifying. I went on the Titan. I remember when it first opened. I was at the park with my mom and Aunt Diana. We waited in line, but I chickened out at the last minute. I cried while they rode because I thought they were going to die. Yeah I rode that. I also rode on Mr. Freeze. That was scary. I rode it once.... That's all I need, right? On every ride I would scream which would make mom burst out laughing. A little while later I would hear her say, "Now my mouth is all dried out!" Then, I laughed. We also did the Red Balloon Run and Ride 5K for the hospital we work at. That's always a blast. We went to College Station for two of my friends' ring dunks. I don't know why A&M made it a tradition to put class rings in the bottom of pitcher's of beer and then have people chug them to get the ring, but they did. Ew. My friends don't drink so they did lemonade and non-sweet tea. The one who actually chugged still threw up like everyone else. Just gross. I'm glad BYU mailed me mine. Thank you, BYU, for having traditions like sliding down a hill covered in blue foam and hiking to the Y on the mountain. 
 Becca comes back from Mexico in 8 days, but since it is so late I'm going to say a week!!! Becca will be home! I have missed her. At the end of June we get to go to Washington to see my Aunt Diana and her family. She has one kiddo getting baptized and a baby getting blessed. I am just so excited to meet her little 2 year old who is a little "imp" as they call her. When Diana asks what she is doing she says, "I be naughty" and keeps on going. Or if Diana asks if she wants to make the good choice or the bad choice she replies, "I make bad choice!" She is just too cute. I am also hoping I get to see Julie Anne while I am there. That would be perfect. The weekend after we get back I get to head up to Utah for a couple of days to see Jan Jan get married!!! And I get to stay with Meghan for one last time because in August I will be going back up to Utah to see her get married! I am so excited for my friends!!! 

Also, did I mention how much I love my job?! I get to help kids cope while they are in the hospital. I have had sword fights and tea parties, I have been hit in the face with a bright green popsicle, I get to do arts and crafts, and I just get to have fun. I loved one day when a little girl lit up when she saw me walking down the hallway and yelled, "Miss Megan is back!!!" How can that not make your heart smile!?! 

I think that gets us all caught up! I will have to post pictures of my adventures as they come because they are coming! 

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A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...