Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Finals Week

When I look at my exam.... 
How I feel after every exam.
Because it snowed.
I fell on my way to class today. It snowed yesterday. Today the sidewalks were covered in ice. I did not pay attention when I was getting dressed so I put on my Sperrys that I absolutely love. They have no traction whatsoever. I was sliding along when all of the sudden I was on the ground. It happens a lot. Don't fret. My right arm is just extremely sore, and I once again have bruises all over my legs. Also, I was stupid today. I took two exams before nine thirty this morning and did well on both of them.  I went and did an interview, and then I went home to study for my New Testament exam. I went to go take it... In line, the people behind me talked about their D&C class the whole time. I am taking that class as well so I started thinking about my class. By the time I got to where they asked what test I wanted, I accidentally said D&C. I had not studied for it at all. You know that awkward moment when you look at the test in front of you, and you realize that it is not the one you wanted? I hope not. It is awful. I made the face T-Swizzle is making above... So, I did not do well on that one. This was one of the worst college girl problems one could ask for. I seriously think I was about to cry when I realized I had the wrong test. It was rough, but I had to compose myself because I had another interview afterwards. I am fine. I will survive. The only things getting me through this week are the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, chocolate, and knowing when it is all over I get to go home for three and a half weeks. I only have one more final to take. Then, I get to go home on Thursday morning. I cannot wait! Also, I want to point out that I mask how I feel really well most of the time, but saying goodbye is one of the hardest things for me. It's okay. I can make it. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha love the "how i feel after an exam"! We are also at BYU!



A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...