Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Happens at Girls' Night Stays at Girls' Night

So, this one time we planned a girls' night. I was excited about it all week. Yesterday I got up early to go to the temple, and then went to work. Work was amazingly fun. I got a lot accomplished. I love the officers so much. To keep me happy about typing in all of the names and emails from people at orientation, they had the volunteers write down jokes or draw pictures. They did have me laughing pretty hard a couple of times. Also, this was drawn on one of the papers...
This week was full of reading which leads to odd sitting positions, drawing in my notes during class, plenty of rain, and some beautiful sunsets. 
I think it was Friday when I came home from school that Makenna pulled up a picture and asked if it was me. It was. I made Instagram on BYU Sleeps. I wasn't asleep, but I was lying in the sun playing on my phone. It is flattering and somewhat creepy. Did someone climb a tree to take this picture of me?! It does make me laugh though because this is the day I told my dad I was bored. He said to look for handsome men and smile at them. I had already done that and he said to show some leg. Is being a #potentialbabe good enough? As of today this photo has 312 likes. I am sure there will be more coming...
Friday I also realized that I have a problem. I talk to this boy way too much... October 24th cannot come soon enough!
That bring us to girls' night. When Dani got home we were all in basketball/running shorts and t-shirts so she quickly changed, and we were off to the mall. We went to Bath and Body Works because that is what we do. We go in and smell every single candle, spray, and lotion they have even if we have smelled them before and know they smell awful. It is always fun. Then, for some reason I had the bright idea to go and look at rings... Engagement rings. We ended up not going to one but three stores and trying on rings. We found some we liked and some we didn't, but we were in trances surrounded by all things that sparkle. We walked out of the mall with a spring in our steps, glittering eyes, and smiles that went from ear to ear. We then went to the Creamery just like freshman year and got ice cream. Before going in, we ran into Emilee and Ryan which was a lot of fun. It is odd not seeing them anymore. Still giggling and talking about what we just did, we ate our ice cream and quickly left the store because we were all freezing by the end. Fall is upon us. I even broke out the sweatpants last night. When we got home we ended up watching 13 Going on 30 munching on popcorn and still laughing and admiring the pictures we took of the rings on each of our fingers. By the end of the movie at 10:15 we were all tired and parted for the night. Why was this night so much fun? We are girls... It was a perfect girls' night. Also, I found a ring I really like...

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