On this beautiful Sunday, I would like to share my testimony. It may not matter to you, and you certainly don't have to read it. This is more for me. This is what matters to me, keeps me going, and what has helped shape me into the strong, beautiful woman I am today. It is a simple testimony, but it is all mine.
I have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that He lives. I know He loves me, and I am so thankful for the Atonement which gives me a chance to live with Him once again. I am thankful that He was willing to go through all that pain for me. I know that He not only suffered for my sins but all of my infirmities as well. He has made all the difference in my life. I am thankful that He gave me the chance to repeatedly try again and pick myself back up when I fall. With Him I am never and will never be alone. With Him I am made whole.
I believe in the priesthood. I know of its divine power, and I am thankful for the boys in my life that are worthy to have the priesthood and act on the duties that come with it. I am thankful for priesthood ordinances which leads me to the temple. I am thankful for the temple. I know the ordinances performed in the temple for ourselves as well as our loved ones that have passed on were divine revelations to the prophets. I am thankful that I was able to go through the temple, and I know I will continue to learn from it as long as I remain worthy and continue to attend. I know those saving ordinances for the dead keep me close to loved ones on the other side whether I know them or not, and I know I have angels attending me at all times.
I am thankful for forever families. Knowing that no matter what happens on this earth, in the eternities I will be with my family forever brings me a kind of comfort that I cannot fully explain. I will never have to worry whether or not I will see my family again. I know I will. I know that if we keep the commandments, we will be able to pass through the veil and live through the eternities together. Forever.
I know there is a living prophet on the earth today. I know he and his apostles are called of God, and I know they lead the church by revelation from our Heavenly Father. I know they devote their lives including their times and talents to the church by serving others and making sure we are always on the path that leads back to our Heavenly Father, and I am so thankful to them for that.
I know the Church is true. I know that Joseph Smith, even though just a young boy was a prophet of God. I know that with the help of Heavenly Father, he restored the true church on the earth. I know that even though I have a hard time at the single's ward and I am sarcastic about it a lot that it is still the only completely true church today. I know the difference it makes in my life. People of the church truly are happier because we believe in service, love, and we have the Gospel in our lives.
I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Ever since reading it when I was little, I have felt that it is true. I don't think that I had a testimony that was completely mine until my second year of college when I studied it on my own and prayed about it, and just like Moroni promised in the end, I felt with a surety that it was true. No uneducated farm boy could write that on his own. The translation of that book was divinely inspired, and I know that those events really happened, those people really lived, and that book is really really true. If you read it, actually read it, and pray about it, I promise you that you will feel the same way.
I have a testimony in the power of prayer. Prayer is what brings you and your Heavenly Father closer to one another. He hears, and He answers your prayers. I know that sometimes it takes a while or the answer is not one you want, but an answer always comes.
I have a testimony that I am a child of God. I am His daughter. He loves me. He knows me by name. He knows everything I am going through at any given time, and He waits for me to call for His aid when I need help. He knows who I am, but most importantly, He knows who I can become. I know He smiles when He thinks of what He has in store for me, and I cannot wait to see. I am thankful for all of the blessings He has bestowed on me. I am thankful for all of the talents He has given me. I am thankful for the life I live as well as the life that is to come, and I hope I can live up to my full potential.
I know these things are true with all my heart. I will continue to learn, grow, and build my testimony, but I am thankful that I have this foundation to build upon. So much is in store for me and for all of us. There are so many promises waiting to be fulfilled based on our faithfulness.
That's my testimony. Like I said, it is a small one, but here are a few quotes from prophets and apostles of the church who have testimonies far greater than mine.
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