This one time, winter semester ended, and the fun began. I mean, yeah there has been a lot going on that stresses me out, but when I look at it I realize that I have had more fun than anything. Yes, I am taking classes, but even with the remarkable amount of papers I have to write, they do not take up much of my time. I spend most of my time with friends and just having fun. Like right after finals week when I went to Thanksgiving Point with Emilee. Just two friends having a wonderful time in a beautiful place.
Or, that time when I went to an intramural baseball game to cheer on Tyler, and we all ended up going on a Sonic trip. There were plenty of good laughs on that trip. I mean, look at us!
Sushi outings have become a regular activity for me and Emilee as well. Sushi runs and movie nights. Neither of us have boys so why not have some girl time?
Then, sometimes, even though you just caught up from the last time you missed classes, you pack up and leave with your friends for a long weekend trip. I packed up and left Provo behind on Thursday making the trip up to Washington. We spent the first night at Makenna's house. The next day we spent exploring her farm and taking it all in. We then headed to the cabin. At the cabin we had so many fun adventures. Four wheeling, a 1000 piece puzzle, Bang!, games, movies I never stayed awake for, a mini train ride, a hot tub excursion, scaling a tree, building a fire (my nickname Fire Girl from Girl Scouts still stands), making s'mores and roasting weenies, seeing a carousel in the making, ziplining, church with the smallest branch I have ever seen, a couple four wheeler accidents, and spending time with her amazing family was a blast.
I may be a little bumped and bruised (needless to say I was never meant to be a farm girl), but I really did love all of it. I love the people I went with. When we got back we were all exhausted, but yesterday I was once again longing for adventure. So, I had a day with Jemma. I was ridin' solo with the top of my little bug down and just enjoying it all. I ended up hiking Bridal Veil Falls and having a picnic at the top. Adventure is out there!