Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Love Is

I cannot tell you how much the past fourteen years have meant to me. I really cannot express how I am feeling right now. My best friend died today. I have literally been crying most of the time I have been awake for the past two days. I know he is in a better place, and he is now waiting anxiously for me to see and hug him again. I can still remember the day when we drove up to an old gas station. An old, light blue truck with peeling paint was there waiting for us with a large crate in the back. A lady opened the crate and there were just puppies. At that moment, I did not care which one I got, but once Fenway was picked I was smitten. He became my ever-loving companion from that point on. That little puppy covered in fleas won over my heart. Over the years, Fenway taught me what love is.
Love is letting this little girl dress you up, put you in a stroller, and lay you in a doll bed wrapped in a blanket.
Love is going swimming even though you hate the water.
Love is acting like a wheelbarrow while she grabs your back legs and walks.
Love is sitting with her and kissing her when she cries.
Love is watching every girly movie there is with her.
Love is letting her call you "bug eyed, bat eared creep", and not caring.
Love is letting her put you in a baby swing and just sitting there as she swings you.
Love is wagging your nothing of a tail to show her you are the happiest dog there is.
Love is getting excited when she grabs your leash so you can go for a walk or run alongside her bike.
Love is going crazy when she blows bubbles and trying to pop them all just to hear her laugh.
Love is getting on the trampoline with her even though when she jumps you go flying.
Love is still playing the vacuum cleaner monster even though her mom yelled at you.
Love is sleeping by her side even though you may get kicked every once in a while.
Love is protecting her from other dogs even though they may be bigger than you.
Love is letting her call you ugly and dumb but still thinking she is beautiful and the smartest human there is.
Love is sitting in her lap when in the car so you can still be with her when you put your head out the window.
Love is barking (even though you sound like a duck) when she leaves.
Love is the feeling you get when she gives you a spoonful of peanut butter.
Love is doing numerous tricks not only for one small treat but for the smile it brings to her face.
Love is learning how to catch the popcorn she throws at you.
Love is letting her apologize when she steps on you.
Love is barking at her with a tennis ball in your all too small mouth so she'll try to take it and throw it again.
Love is getting in her suitcase or box and messing up her folded clothes when you know she is packing to leave you again, and love is waiting for her to get back and acting like she was never gone when she returns.
Love is always being there for this little girl even though she may not be little anymore.
Love is knowing she still loves you even though she wasn't there for your final moments.
So many people have told me he was "just a dog". He wasn't. He was my best boy. He was there through thick and thin. He was the one I shared everything with. He taught me love, patience, and what it felt like to feel pure joy. Over time my American gentleman's face grew white while his heart turned pure gold. He may have gone blind and deaf, but he always knew when I was the one who came to hold him. I will miss my boy so much. He was a huge part of me. I have had him since I was five for heaven's sake! I know one more thing about love. Love is being owned by a Boston Terrier. Love was being owned by Fenway.

1 comment:

  1. He really wasn't just a dog. He was you. He was yours. What a beautiful post Megan. You have made me pay attention to the best things in my life. To appreciate the little, simply, and lovely things. Love you, friend. Love you so much.


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