Saturday, September 28, 2013

Can I Be Done Now?

It feels like a lifetime ago that this week began. I mean seriously, Tuesday my beloved roommate Dani got engaged! The night before, Kaitlyn and I scampered over to Tyler's backpack when he left for a run with Dani to marvel over the ring. Tuesday night, he proposed, and some friends and I met at Farr's Fresh to greet her as she walked in after becoming a fiance. This of course only occurred after grocery shopping and an SFLSA event. Dani is officially engaged! I love it!!!! Wednesday and Thursday I just prepared for the upcoming Parents Weekend. Kill me. Friday the insanity began at six forty-five in the morning. I had to be at the Hinckley to start with registration. Holy cow. So busy. Picking up cashiers, checking in parents, driving a mini van through campus (like on the sidewalks), Brimhall Essay contest essays, dealing with the website going down, eating tons of food in the MOA, going to a luau, picking up the cheerleaders (yes, I am going on a date to Lagoon with one of the guy cheerleaders), and running around all of the time for thirteen hours was great. When I got off work, I went to the football game with Dani and Tyler. We left at halftime because I was tired, it was cold, and it really just wasn't a super exciting game. We won though! We came home with crazy bread and cheese bread. I had another early start today, getting up at 5:30 to be at the RB between 6:30 and 6:45. Picking up the cashiers again, setting up for the 5k, going to the Y for hike the Y, and working at the cougar family dinner filled my day once again. I finished my 40 hour work week, did my homework, still went to the temple, and I am exhausted. I tried to go home and take a nap, but with the Relief Society broadcast, there was no chance of that. I'm still awake, I lasted through the entire thing. I need sleep. Last night I would have slept earlier, but I had to clean at least a little bit for cleaning checks. I survived Parents Weekend. In two weeks I have to do it all over again for Homecoming. I love stuff like this, but man does it wipe me out! Also, I got to drive a minivan all weekend!! Talk about the best thing ever. #MegantheMormonMominaMinivan

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What the Hail?!

So this one time, I had a Relief Society breakfast, a pie night, and a dessert night all on Sunday. I also got to hang out with Kennedy. I seriously love her. We laughed and let everything that was stressing us out school-wise behind. I smiled which doesn't sound like a big deal, but when I am at home, it hasn't been coming out quite as much as it usually does. Monday I woke up so tired, and it proved to be the stereotypical Monday. Tuesday was like a Monday too though. I ran all over the place and went to devotional where the speaker gave us "the talk." He compared sexual sin to a warm, moist cookie. Why moist?! He said holding hands was like being in the same room as fresh cookies, kissing was holding it up to your nose to sniff it, and making out was nibbling the cookie. I agree with Michael (the officer I was sitting by for the whole thing) when he said, "Dang! Just give me a big chewy brownie! I'm so done with cookies!" It was just a weird hour of my life. Hump day was amazing though. I started talking to Justin more an more throughout the week which means the smile is back, eyes glitter, and I radiate sunshine whether it is out or not. I love on Wednesdays when my teachers tell me to have a great weekend. That makes the crazy week even more worth it. Thursday is the true Hump Day for me. I am already in the weekend mindset, and I am so tired from the insane week that I go through. I think this was the day it rained/hailed. I missed it by a matter of minutes, but my coworker came in drenched. I went home later that night for Kaitlyn to say, "What the hail!" I laughed so hard. So, next Friday is Parents Weekend. Ah!!!! Not ready! So many things to do that we didn't know we had to do. Not enough time... That night, I got a software update on my phone. After playing with my phone, learning to work everything again on it, and talking to Justin all night, I was so ready for Friday. My phone told me I had an early start and my alarm was set for seven in the morning. Okay great. At 7:57, I was woken up by a text from my friend asking if we were still going out to breakfast at 8. I responded and was at the restaurant by 8:05 dressed, hair in a ponytail, and ready to go. We had a wonderful breakfast and a good talk. I always love my dates with Christina. I am glad I get to work with her again so we can still have them. I went home to look a little more put together, and went off to work. Work was wonderful, and even my boss commented on how productive I was with absolutely no direction since he was gone the whole time. I got this. Having an interview with my teacher right after work threw off my groove a little. I was flustered from the crazy day at work, and then she sat so close to me that her knees were touching mine and she leaned in even closer to my face. I like her but not that much. I came home to talk to my momma, and then finally decided to go to the temple since I made the goal to do so once a week and hadn't gone yet. Driving somewhere the other day, I saw a sign that said how many lives were lost each day because of smoking. When I was in the temple, I thought, "One life saved. Two lives saved." and so on until I got to five which is how many people I did temple work for. It was an amazing feeling. Later that night I went to our stake ice cream social, tried a new kind of ice cream, talked to friends, and ran into Kennedy again. We planned a date to go drive the alpine loop when the leaves have changed a little more. It is always beautiful in the fall. Then I got to spend some time with Kaitlyn, James, and Mak. I did a color personality test. Justin guessed what color I was when we went on our first date, and I wanted to see if he was right. I am mostly white with blue and yellow tied closely behind. He was... Reading the book it came from was really interesting. I loved it. I stayed up late again and watched "Sleepless in Seattle." Saturday morning a boy outside was singing a little too loudly and all too obnoxiously and woke me up. Oh well. After spending some time waking up more, I went out with my roommates. I love going out with them We always have so much fun. When we came home I rushed off to go to Julie Anne's. It amazes me that we were in freshman ward together and never said a word to each other, but now, two years later, we are such good friends. Anyways, we made a dessert called everything right and wrong with America and watched "The Emperor's New Groove." Good laughs, so much chocolate, and long talks filled our time together. Okay, a water fight and a rolled up towel war may have also been involved. Then I rushed home to go to the BYU/Utah game. It was a rough loss, but I got my first cougar tail! I will probably never get another one, but it was a good experience. I believe every BYU student should get a cougar tail at a football game. It is just part of being a Cougar. Like I said, it was hard to lose, as it usually is when we play Utah, but football isn't life... It was fun just being there with my friends.
Bragging moment: I pointed out a ring to Dani in a magazine and told her it looked like her. She had others picked out, but she got that one! Called it. I know my girly!! And.... a shout out just for Tyler. This kid is amazing. I am so glad that he and Dani are together. They are perfect. I know I always tease them about being all cutesy, but I love it. Tyler is hardworking, caring, patient, and just a great guy.So, here is the spotlight of the day. There you go,Ty.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Happens at Girls' Night Stays at Girls' Night

So, this one time we planned a girls' night. I was excited about it all week. Yesterday I got up early to go to the temple, and then went to work. Work was amazingly fun. I got a lot accomplished. I love the officers so much. To keep me happy about typing in all of the names and emails from people at orientation, they had the volunteers write down jokes or draw pictures. They did have me laughing pretty hard a couple of times. Also, this was drawn on one of the papers...
This week was full of reading which leads to odd sitting positions, drawing in my notes during class, plenty of rain, and some beautiful sunsets. 
I think it was Friday when I came home from school that Makenna pulled up a picture and asked if it was me. It was. I made Instagram on BYU Sleeps. I wasn't asleep, but I was lying in the sun playing on my phone. It is flattering and somewhat creepy. Did someone climb a tree to take this picture of me?! It does make me laugh though because this is the day I told my dad I was bored. He said to look for handsome men and smile at them. I had already done that and he said to show some leg. Is being a #potentialbabe good enough? As of today this photo has 312 likes. I am sure there will be more coming...
Friday I also realized that I have a problem. I talk to this boy way too much... October 24th cannot come soon enough!
That bring us to girls' night. When Dani got home we were all in basketball/running shorts and t-shirts so she quickly changed, and we were off to the mall. We went to Bath and Body Works because that is what we do. We go in and smell every single candle, spray, and lotion they have even if we have smelled them before and know they smell awful. It is always fun. Then, for some reason I had the bright idea to go and look at rings... Engagement rings. We ended up not going to one but three stores and trying on rings. We found some we liked and some we didn't, but we were in trances surrounded by all things that sparkle. We walked out of the mall with a spring in our steps, glittering eyes, and smiles that went from ear to ear. We then went to the Creamery just like freshman year and got ice cream. Before going in, we ran into Emilee and Ryan which was a lot of fun. It is odd not seeing them anymore. Still giggling and talking about what we just did, we ate our ice cream and quickly left the store because we were all freezing by the end. Fall is upon us. I even broke out the sweatpants last night. When we got home we ended up watching 13 Going on 30 munching on popcorn and still laughing and admiring the pictures we took of the rings on each of our fingers. By the end of the movie at 10:15 we were all tired and parted for the night. Why was this night so much fun? We are girls... It was a perfect girls' night. Also, I found a ring I really like...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

One of my teachers said there may not be volunteers, but there are always victims... 
Another teacher told us what to do if there is ever a shooter. 
1. lock the door (there are no locks on the classroom doors)
2. hide (the room is square and just has small desks... nowhere to hide)
3. call for help (there is no reception in the basement of the building)
She then proceeded to say, "Well, those sound like great ideas. Let's hope there is never a shooter."
One teacher told us that school in general is not worth it if you have no social life outside of it. Too late... 
And, one teacher said she didn't want our papers to be like waffles where you throw the first one away. 
I am glad I have good teachers, but the workload is killing me. I do hours upon hours of reading each night. I know... Welcome to college. When you are little you dream about the days when you come to college, eat whatever you want, party, stay up late, wake up late, and do all kinds of crazy things. Well, sadly I do not party. I go to bed late not because I am having fun but because I have a ton of homework. I wake up early in the morning to get ready for work or school and finish the homework I didn't get to. I can eat whatever I want, but I have actually been eating more vegetables lately. Weird... I know. Also, now that summer is over so are all of my adventures. Play hard has turned to work hard. Already need a break. Already tired. Already behind. What have I gotten myself into? 
I did find the time to read a blog post the other day. This woman had written a letter to her daughter. At one point it said, "You are not an object, my sweet daughter. You are someone's daughter, someone's future mother, someone's future wife, someone's caring neighbor, someone's teacher- someone's guardian angel... And when you step on the world's stage, viewed by millions throughout the course of your life, you are meant to be someone they remember simply because you are worth remembering." I always say I want to be remembered. I am more than a student. I am a daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, future wife, future mother, neighbor, and daughter of God. I can get through this semester because I am meant to be here, and Heavenly Father wouldn't tell me to do something I cannot do. I know it is going to be hard at times, but it is not out of my reach. I am meant to be a leader, a teacher, and a friend to those who need me. I am meant to be someone people remember because I am worth remembering. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I Survived Hurricane LaVell

This week was amazing. I mean, I survived! Monday, my eyes were the prettiest green, and there was the most amazing sunset. I don't remember when Mak and I went to Costco, and I found a giant thing of Nutella!!! Last Sunday Kaitlyn and I made a birthday dessert for Tyler. We had extra brownie batter and we  ate it! Friday, I saw the most beautiful sight on my way to work, and there was the biggest rainbow over Y mountain. And... I had my first temple trip of the semester with Makenna and Meghan. I love to see the temple. I am going to try to go once a week. 
So this one time I had the opportunity to go sit in the President's Loge for the BYU v. Texas football game. I may or may not have gotten a new outfit for the occasion. Getting ready was an adventure. I straightened my hair to perfection in preparation for the big game. I also did my make-up like a pro (after a mascara mishap). I got to the Hinckley feeling like a model. When all of the Student Alumni officers and their dates showed up, we headed to the stadium. 
We walked outside and someone said, "That clouds look ominous." I told them we should maybe walk a little faster. We didn't. Then, the wind picked up. With my hair blowing every which way and my ankles stinging with all of the twigs hitting them, we started walking a little faster. Not fast enough. I got a flash flood warning on my phone. They weren't kidding. All of the sudden we were in a torrential storm. We took off our shoes and started sprinting in our pencil skirts... By the time we got to where we picked up our tickets we were soaked to the bone. We got up to the loge and briskly walked through it since the women's bathroom was on the other side. We dried ourselves the best we could, but not long after, the lion mane started, and we had to go back in. 
We had a catered dinner by Tucano's and plenty of treats such as popcorn, caramel corn, candy, and apples with warm caramel to dip them in. Then, at half time we got our choice from four flavors of cheesecake and four sauces. Yum. So, I was soaked, I had a ton of food, and there were general authorities there! That is always a fun experience. Elder Holland is so nice and loves loves loves his caramel corn. Elder Perry is one of the sweetest old men ever. He offered me his suit jacket if I got too cold. What constitutes as too cold to ask a general authority for their suit jacket? And, President Uchtdorf is kind of hard to understand but a cool guy. President and Sister Samuelson are cute, but they don't come up and talk to you like the general authorities do. I kind of wish they did. 
And, the game was AMAZING. Texas didn't know what hit them. The cougs actually played well!!! With all of the excitement, I was so hyper. I enjoyed every minute of the game. So much cheering. So many off-tune fight songs. So many fist bumps. I talked and snapchatted a friend the entire time. That brought on a ton of laughs, and with Julie Ann by my side everything was even better. I loved the game! BYU pulled a win over the Longhorns 40-21. I have never seen a game played that well. Then, I got to drive home with Makenna so I wasn't all alone! Perfect beyond perfect night!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Start of a New Semester

And just like that, campus has come back to life. After waking up at six in the morning from a frightening dream. I could not go back to sleep after that. I reached over to turn off my alarm right as it went off. I rushed to get ready for work even though I had plenty of time, and I made a conscious effort to keep my anxiety down. I grabbed my breakfast and lunch and briskly walked to work. I was only there for an hour, but I got a surprising amount of things done before heading off to my last first day of fall semester. When I got out of that class half an hour early I had a forever long break since there was no devotional (in reality, the break was only an hour and a half). The fact that this is my last fall semester sunk in. Panic and excitement filled me as I sat in the warm summer sunshine that I know won't last for much longer. Never again will I see campus renewed with the flow of excited and anxious students after the crazes of Education Week, EFY, and NSO are over. Never again will I be able to introduce myself as a junior. Day to day I feel the same as the girl in my freshman ID picture, but as I look back to this day two years ago, I feel like everything has changed. Two years ago, I was afraid of meeting my new roommates, and here I am living with some of my best friends again. I didn't want to go to FOL, and I just finished my second year as a peer mentor. I was majoring in Political Science, and now I am almost done with my Family Life major. I got lost going to every class, but now I look at my schedule and maneuver my way to all my classes with ease. My second class was much like the first going over the syllabus and ending early. Work was even better the second time of the day. I got to see some of the officers that I already love so much. So many errands. So many trips across campus. So many mail merges. I am excited and terrified of this semester. Good thing Heavenly Father doesn't ask for immediate perfection but immediate progression. I know I can do it, but I also know it is going to be harder than any semester before. 
I also think today was harder than most because it was emotionally taxing. After my first class I got a text from one of my good friends telling me her momma was dying. After talking to her for a little bit, I was in tears. Sister Monzingo was a fighter. I am thankful that I had the opportunity of knowing her. Her strong, beautiful spirit left the earth today, but I know she is in a better place. I just wish I could be home right now to comfort her and her family and to be with mine to show them how amazingly important they are to me and how much I love them. 

A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...