Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Fun Weekend and a Tired Adult

Today is hump day, and I am feeling it! Being an adult is hard. I don't think I have recovered from my weekend. Friday night we went to a bonfire. Aside from a few guys in our FHE group my roommates and I were the only ones there. It was way fun though, and needless to say I ate more than my fair share of s'mores and roasted Starbursts. By the time Saturday morning came I felt hungover. Are sugar hangovers a thing? Apparently. Saturday morning I went to the stake service activity. After cleaning out someone's flower beds I was SO ITCHY. I left a little early just to get away from all of the stuff. After a lunch of fried chicken, potato salad, and watermelon I almost felt like I was back home. Almost. If only the chicken and potato salad were homemade... I sat and talked with a couple of the same guys from the bonfire for a while afterwards. When we finally left the park Julie Anne came over for a while. She even stayed for our ward BBQ. Let's be honest. I love hamburgers and hotdogs when they're made on the grill and I am in a summer mood. Yeah so I ate my fill of those too... and more watermelon and some BBQ chips. We sat outside after the BBQ for forever! We laughed so much. My abs just hurt. They hurt so much from laughing. After two hours of sitting outside we decided we needed Sonic shakes since they are half-price after eight. We then sat down there for a while and enjoyed our shakes. We then went home to play SpotIt! I even won a round! There were going to be fireworks later that night, and after a couple too many rounds of SpotIt! someone came up with the bright idea to climb a mountain to see them. 1. I hate hiking. 2. It was getting dark. 3. I really hate hiking. We were booking it up the mountain for fear of missing the fireworks, and I swear if I have asthma you saw it as I wheezed my way up the mountain in the dark. We did make it, and it was worth it. But, oh my I thought I was going to die. Seeing the fireworks and the bustling city beneath us was truly spectacular. The stars afterwards were even BETTER. Going down the mountain was scary, but I felt much better going down than going up. Thank my lucky stars! We got down the mountain and decided to go and watch a movie. We watched World War Z. Edge of your seat movie? For sure. Edge of the footstool holding your friend's feet movie? Yep, that too. Jump when you see the crouching Jimmer poster in the corner movie? That too. Scream when you see someone creepy in the car beside you when you're driving home at two in the morning movie? You betcha. Sunday morning came too soon. Way too soon. With the help of Marriage and Family Prep class (which I oddly really enjoy) I somehow made it through church without falling asleep. I didn't get a nap. And, then I went to Ward Prayer. Oddly social for me, I know. I had so much fun though. I didn't go out to watch a movie with those guys again because I really needed sleep. And, I had a final coming up. So, this week hasn't been all that exciting, but I am done with my Women's Studies class. Seriously thank heavens. Now I get to start my last class!!! I'm so close... 

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