Saturday, October 5, 2013

I Went from Zero to My Own Hero

I had the opportunity this Friday to go and do temple work for my great-great grandma. I go to the temple every week. What made this so special? Well, she is my relative, and not only that but I was born exactly one hundred years after her. That is pretty dang exciting. I almost didn't go to the temple after another long work and school week. Friday alone I had to go take rent, take a test, and then had to go to work and frantically prepare for Homecoming. As always, I am so thankful I went. This was truly a beautiful experience for me. 
After I went to the temple I wanted to go and celebrate Kennedy's birthday. When you get thirteen very different girls (Kennedy has the widest array of friends I have ever seen) together, you go to a Thai restaurant. I was really nervous, but I got to try a little of everything. Thai food is really good if you know what to get. I got Massaman curry which is a sweet and a little spicy curry with chicken, potatoes, carrots, and cashews. It looks like a stew and you eat it over rice. The more I ate the more I liked it. First Thai food experience was a success, and I came home beyond full. 
Now cue conference weekend. I really tried to pay attention to the speakers today, and I got a few tidbits of wisdom, but I kept thinking about one experience that I have had. So, a little over halfway through summer I got called in for a job interview. When I hung up, I was overwhelmed with the Spirit and just cried. I knew this interview was an answer to prayers. Everything was going to be okay. I went to the interview full of confidence, but the next day I got the call telling me that I did not get the job. I didn't understand and was deeply hurt by this news. A week later, Linda (the one who interviewed me) emailed and asked if she could pass on my resume. I told her she could, but I had little hope. I got called in, but was still not confident in getting the job. I had been let down so many times. After the interview I walked home with my head held low. Later that day, I halfheartedly answered the phone when Curtis called me. He told me I got the job. Then I realized that the first interview was an answer to prayers, just not the way I thought it would be. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways, and sometimes I get upset because I do not understand or fully see the steps in His process. In this instance I was shortsighted and prideful. That is why I was so hurt and felt like all hope was lost after I did not get the job I was sure would be the answer to prayers. I had to be humbled before blessings could be granted. In one of the talks today (sorry, I can't remember which one) the speaker said, faith should always be pointed toward the future. I am going to try that. Because, as the same speaker said, significant but subtle blessings can easily be overlooked. 
Yesterday was also really hard for me. A dear friend, Donna Lear, returned to live with Heavenly Father. Sister Lear was always there to welcome you with a warm smile and happy, bright eyes. I grew up with her living right up the street. She was always the first one to respond when there was a need for service. I will truly miss her and her friendship not only for me, but my mom and all of the others she shared her warm heart with. I went into the temple fighting back tears and asking myself why. It was while I was there that I realized although it is sad and these wonderful women will be missed, Sister Lear and Sister Monzingo are now with Heavenly Father sharing their beauty and amazing personalities and strength with those in heaven. Today President Uchtdorf said the acorn of inquiry has often sprouted and grown into a great oak of understanding and knowledge. My simple acorn of why has at least sprouted. I am thankful for the knowledge the gospel gives me.
And just a little side note, President Monson waving a little boy over so he could lean over the stand to hold his hand absolutely made my day. That is the highlight of my conference weekend. He leads by example. Christ said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for such is the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:14)

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