Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Not in High School Anymore

So, I was invited to go to a giving gallery for my high school while I am home. After I got the invite, I started looking at not only the pictures that are being auctioned but pictures of the kids that took the pictures. As I looked at these pictures, I wondered how some of them were still in high school. I was in high school with them! Between that, talking to friends from high school a lot lately, being done with this semester, and thinking about getting to go home in a few days, I really miss all of it.  I feel like I have been in college forever. It is crazy to think I just finished my second year... Anyways, I found this video from my senior year in high school. So awkward. Also, this is proof that that I have loosened up a little bit since I have come to college. So, here is the video. 

Monday, April 22, 2013


Fin. Not the part of a fish, but the classy, Latin word meaning "the end." I just took my last final. One of my friends posted this. I stole it and made a few minor adjustments. 
Ten things I learned from finals week:
1. Popcorn makes an acceptable dinner during finals.
2. Studying for hours on end will not help on your History of the International Church final.
3. That really is your ID number with the lower-than-usual score next to it.
4. Keep a stoic disposition when looking at your scores.
5. New sweats make the world go round.
6. There is no diet during finals week (see number 1).
7. Sleep is a gift and should be gladly taken advantage of whenever possible.
8. The weather is beautiful if you are forced to be inside all day.
9. Studying is not productive if you watch Lord of the Rings with your cousin at the same time.
10. No matter how happy you are when finals are over, you don't exactly know what to do with yourself after you take your last one.
As much fun as this semester has been, I really don't want another one like it. To everyone who still has finals, good luck. You can get through two more days. As for me, I am going out for a goodbye lunch with Jenn tomorrow, I have cleaning checks Wednesday morning, lunch date with Kaitlyn Thursday, and I am just going to have fun for these last few days before I go home, finishing it off with a birthday dinner with Andrew. I'm not going to lie, I am kind of excited. Fin. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

King (Queen?) of the Jungle

"Megan, you are king of the jungle." When I wake up in the morning, I look like a lion. I know, you do not believe me... Well, when I woke up this morning, apparently it was worse than usual. Mallory said it was the best she has ever seen it. She is the one that told me I was the king of the jungle. Finals week has taken its toll. I have worn two shades of navy together, mismatching socks, the Lord of the Rings soundtrack was broken out, cheese pretzels and key lime yogurt are staples, breakfast is usually at eleven pushing my other two meals back to 3 and 8, I have study guides spread all around me, and... my brain hurts. I took two finals today. I have one, maybe two, tomorrow. I went to the library to study with Andrew last night. I was really productive. I am by no means ready for my final tomorrow, but I feel better about it. Two finals down, two more and a paper to go. Beast mode...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors

So, finals are upon us. Today was my last day of classes. Friday I have my first two finals. Finals are like the game rock, paper, scissors. First, you have the rock. These are the tests that you know you are going to do well on so you don't worry about them much. Rock beats scissors. Then, there are the papers... Papers and presentations kill. You think you can rock them. Then you get your grade back. Paper beats rock. Then, there are the scissor tests. These are hard to handle. You don't ever really know which way they will go. Scissors beat paper, but rock beats scissors. Basically, finals time is a time of gambling. You either come out of the testing center beaming with the glow of success or dragging the lifeless body that was once your GPA behind you. It's okay. This has only been the hardest semester of my college career. Bring it on. 
Also, it keeps snowing outside. Why is it snowing in the middle of April? Utah is killing me!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Dancing in the Rain

One of the girls in my ward said, "They say you have to learn to dance in the rain because it never stops coming. I have news for everyone. The sun DOES come out after the storm, and IF you took the time to learn to dance in that thunder and lightning- guess what? Dancing in the's EVEN BETTER." 
A lot of you are wondering where Andrew came from. Well, to be honest I do not really know. I do know that four weeks ago I was going through a really hard time. Nothing was going the way I wanted it to at all. It was driving me insane and making me rather upset. I said a prayer telling Heavenly Father that whatever I was doing obviously wasn't right so I was going to put my trust in Him. At the end of the week I got a phone call from Andrew asking me out for the first time. At first, I was kind of like, "Really, Heavenly Father?! A boy? Of all the things..." But I do not mind anymore. Andrew and I have gotten each other through some tough weeks. There is so much going on right before finals! 
Andrew said I intrigued him. Apparently I am more than just the quiet girl that works in Administration that is always trailing after Eric. After two weeks of doing something almost every other day, we decided we were officially dating. People in the office may give me inquisitive looks that I easily ignore, some may make a scene blowing kisses and dancing through the office, some just break out in an ear to ear smile when they see me, and some may pull me aside and interrogate me until I can run away. I am not ashamed, but I am not used to all of the attention. Also, everyone in the office does not need to know every detail of my personal life. 
In the time that I was learning to dance in the rain, this boy came along. Now, I am dancing in the sunlight, and it truly is wonderful. Last night was our End of Semester Volunteer Appreciation Bash. It was so much fun. Only little Kalin could get me to dance in front of everyone. Today, after going to classes and doing homework, I went to the office. We went to The Wall to play video games. They have touch screen televisions as table tops so you can play games with your friends. Team building at its finest. We even beat all twelve levels of the game only losing one of our ten lives. After getting home, I played frisbee with Alanna and laid in the sun. I love how beautiful it is outside today. It reflects how I feel. To go along with all of this, I found my new favorite scripture. Genesis 21:6 says, "And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh so that all that hear will laugh with me." I am going to teach people to dance in the rain so they can enjoy dancing in the sunlight even more. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Motivation, Dedication, and Desire

My motivation to finish this semester is gone. My dedication to BYUSA is dwindling. Honestly, it is my love for the people in my classes, teachers, and friends I work with that are keeping me going. I am tired. It is also a nice break from my hectic life when Andrew and I go out each night even if it is only for a short walk or sitting in the park on a blanket just looking at the stars. As the days slide by, I check things off of my list of things I have to do before the semester is over. After today, I have 12 things I have to finish before classes are over on Monday. So much to do, so little desire. Yesterday was the Passing the Torch ceremony for BYUSA. I really was not happy about having to go, and it was hard to watch. I made it through... 
One of the things I had on my list for today was to go back and listen to one of the devotionals I half listened to a few weeks ago. I went back for one quote in particular, but I learned a few things. Michelle Marchant said, "One of [Heavenly Father's] greatest desires is to guide your future as he has your past." I have been learning to trust in Him lately. I made the goal to put all of my trust in Him when I was going through such a hard time, and honestly amazing things have happened since I decided to do that. One of his greatest desires is to guide my future... He is welcome to it. She then read the scripture Abraham 3:22-23. They say, "Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all there were many noble and great ones; and God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These will I make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou was born." She then proceeded to say, "I testify that your presence and purpose upon this earth are as important to God as any of the noble and great ones who have gone before." We are all the noble and great ones that Abraham talked about. We have been chosen. Our Heavenly Father loves all of us, and he does not see any one of us as better than another. We all have a divine destiny. 
Then, I came to the quote I was looking for all along. Elder Maxwell said, "The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millenia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the babe has given at least equal attention to placement of each of us in precise orbits so that we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as well." And... my desire and motivation is back. I want my light to not only lead but to warm others. I want people to smile because class was cancelled because I was so happy. I want people to feel comfortable in the office because of my warm, inviting smile. I want to be the girl everyone may not know but can make them smile and have a better day anyways. This is the last week of classes. I can't give up now! Finals are coming!! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Officially Dating and Conference Weekend

Friday night, Andrew came over to watch a movie. It was just him and me. We watched "Dan in Real Life" which is a really good movie just so everyone knows. The movie ended just after midnight. We didn't budge. His arm was around me, I was leaning on him, and we were holding hands. Both of us were so content. We sat and talked until about 1:30 in the morning. We are officially dating. I have a boyfriend. It is still so weird to say. Saturday I got up just in time for conference. I was so tired. I really liked all of the talks. Sister Dalton spoke, and my day was made. Sister Dalton was released, and I cried. It's okay. The church is still true. Some things I learned: any virtue can turn to a vice when used too much, if you're on the right path it will always be uphill, prayer should be as natural as breathing and eating, what e'er thou art act well thy part, we have unlimited divine potential, little things lead to big things, there are some things that should be left to the Lord, and there are lessons we must learn and experiences we must have.I loved conference. Saturday night when Andrew got back from his mission reunion, we went for a walk and then it was time for him to meet some of the old roommates. He passed the test for the ones he met. Sunday I went over to his place to watch conference. We even did homework in between sessions. Now, let me say that I was really good about taking notes from conference. Each session has a page in my little quote book. Each session... until Sunday afternoon. Not only was I exhausted, but it was freezing so I had a blanket wrapped around me. Then, Andrew put his arm around me and all motivation to write something from each talk flew out the open window. I still listened, and I loved all of the talks though. President Monson makes me laugh. I love that he can be the president of a worldwide church and still tell stories, roll his eyes, and make everyone in the congregation laugh... and a couple of the apostles fist bumped... and the new general young women's presidency looks like the fairies from sleeping beauty. Way to keep it classy! Life is wonderful. The Church is true. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Prepping for Conference

So, because most of my classes were cancelled today because of a huge Family Life conference going on in Salt Lake, I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I sat working on some of my homework for a little bit, got a shower, and laid back down. It is rainy, and therefore I have no motivation to really do anything. Finally, I looked at Mallory and said, "Mallory, do you want to go have an adventure?" We went on an adventure walking down a busy road and jumping in every worthy puddle we came across.
By the time we got back I felt a little better, and I was soaked from my butt to my toes. In trying to warm up I watched this video because I had our church program on my desk and it caught my eye. 
Then, I realized the General Young Women Broadcast was a few weeks ago, and I had not watched it yet. Getting my computer I instantly went to find Sister Dalton's talk. She is a hopeless romantic as well telling the story about Rebekah and Isaac. Rebekah went and got all of the water for the camels. That water was heavy and hard to bear, but she did it quickly. Abraham's servant asked if she would come with him since he was given the task of finding a worthy wife for Isaac. All she said was, "I will go." She left everything behind. Sister Dalton says she thinks it was love at first sight when Rebecca and Isaac met. Rebekah "lighted off the camel," and "he loved her." In Doctrine and Covenants 88:40 it says, "For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light..." Once again, Sister Dalton made my day. Not only was watching that talk the perfect thing to so while trying to warm up after puddle jumping, but she wore sunshine yellow on a rainy day. Not only did she wear a sunshine yellow blazer when she came to BYU, but she wore a different sunshine yellow blazer for conference. My hero. Seriously. I really want to be her when I grow up. 
Sunshine yellow at BYU...
Sunshine yellow in conference.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Brought to You by BYUSA

Like I said, last night was our Leadership Ceremony. Before we went, Andrew and I met up to go and watch the basketball game. Baylor was a worthy opponent and Matty F. Carlino, B. Dave, and Craigory Cusick the 15th just didn't pull through. We were winning until Andrew and I stopped watching together so we could go get ready. 
Then came the ceremony. I knew I would get an award. Don't get me wrong it isn't like I expected it, but Eric and Angela have been being so suspicious. Eric wouldn't even let me help set up which is unheard of. I picked out the flowers for the floral arrangements, and that is it. He took me with him like he always does but I sat there and watched. Anyways, Andrew makes me so happy. Yesterday he asked me what my favorite color was. I told him it depended on what it was for, but I really loved sunshine yellow. So, at the event he wore a yellow tie. We had fun eating, talking, and dodging Angela with the camera. Then, the video yearbook started. I am in half the pictures! How did that even happen?!
 After that, they passed out the awards, each with an explanation as to why this person received the award. I nominated one of my School Spirit girls for Optimism. She got it! Way to go Mckenzie! Kennedy got one for inclusiveness. She by far deserved that one. I thought I was fine when they got to the last one, and then Eric got up there. Andrew just looked at me and smiled. Eric read his part, and I was almost in tears. I got the Dedication award. Then, he called my name, Andrew nudged me, and I went up to accept my award. He gave it to me and we took a picture. Once we walked off the stage we hugged. I really am going to miss my big brother when he gets married and leaves. When it was all over, everyone came to hug me, I got a letter from the new Executive Vice President whom I have never met but really like, and we took a ton of pictures. I dropped Andrew off at his apartment so he could do his homework that I am pretty sure I have been distracting him from for the past couple weeks. I am so glad he came with me. 
After getting home I was kind of in a happy daze for a little while. I went to my old roommates' to talk to them. We ended up talking about boys which didn't help me out of my daze at all. I went back to my apartment to work on homework and read scriptures. Then, Andrew and I started texting. That boy can make me grin from ear to ear within .001 seconds. Reading a couple chapters in my scriptures usually takes about five minutes. It took me 15 last night. Our conversations are really funny, and when I go back and read them I realize if it wasn't me in this situation, I would think it was kind of mushy. Right as I was going to bed I put my phone down and got comfortable. When my phone buzzed again I knew it was him. I let out a little, "He!" My roommate burst out laughing and we laughed for a good five minutes. 
Eric also texted me telling me congratulations and how honored he was to present my award. I told him I only learned from the best and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to present it to me (which is genuinely true). This morning I woke up to a text telling me he appreciated it, but I was like that last year and that is why he wanted me to serve this year. I went into my eight o'clock class and my teacher told me I was radiating light. We were talking about happiness and families and he told everyone to turn around and look at me if they needed to see what happiness looked like. When class was over he pulled me aside and told me I was far too happy to be in an eight o'clock class. Honestly, when I woke up this morning I had to ask myself if this was real life. It is! 
I thank all of my BYUSA friends for all of the tears, hugs, smiles, and laughs we have shared. I am going to miss it, but I am excited to see the some of the changes that will come. There is one other thing I will always remember... Pinkies up!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Homework, Festival of Colors, Dates, and Easter

I am so tired of school. Paper after paper is killing me. Last night I stayed up until past one working on a twelve page research paper. I would have done it earlier, but I was busy with other assignments... and having some fun. Friday I did my twenty minute presentation and turned in three papers. After that I got to have a girls' night. Sometimes those are the best things with my old roommates. I love them! I went to bed late that night. Then, I got up in the morning to go to the festival of colors. I love that too, but it wears you out! There is something about throwing colored and scented cornstarch at people while listening to weird music that makes you happy. I am glad Emilee got pictures of it. They are so funny! My hair is dyed pink once more. Totally worth it!
When I got home, I took a shower and went to the end of my roommate's bridal shower. 
Then, I worked on homework and went out with Andrew again. He made me a wonderful dinner of alfredo with lemon, broccoli, and grilled chicken. We then went to the duck pond to feed the ducks. He was taking pictures of what I thought was ducks but turned out to be me. Sneaky... When I got too cold to stay out any longer, we went back to my apartment and watched The Blind Side. I love that movie. Going to bed late once again. Yesterday I went to church with my pink hair. It was so good. The musical numbers were the best, and watching a video with Sister Dalton in it took the cake. I came home and got ready for Easter dinner. I masked all of the pink in my hair except for one small spot in my bangs. I got to have dinner with some of Andrew's family. 
Before we did that, we went and took fake engagement pictures for some of his friends. Cheesy but really funny. Before they got there, we were sitting on a bench and talking. I guy came up and asked if Andrew would take some pictures of his kids. Andrew did, but I was left with the weird guy. He asked if Andrew and I were married. No... He then asked if we were seriously dating. No? Thank goodness Andrew came back. When we finally left, we went to his brother's. We sat and talked for a while. His brother Adrian told me I was going to have to go in and talk to him about what my intentions were with his little brother. Oh dear. I cannot wait for the day when I bring a boy home and my brother and dad go crazy. Dinner was wonderful. I loved it. London, his four year old (?) niece and I got along really well. She asked me why I always dressed so pretty, and she was sad when I had to leave. At least I won one of them over. On our way home we just talked... about everything. I then went into the amazingly boring process of writing my paper when I just couldn't concentrate.


A Future with Hope

 Jeremiah 1:5 says - "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, an...